For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
It's always our self we find in the sea.
~e.e. cummings
It's always our self we find in the sea.
~e.e. cummings
Last Christmas, my parents bought my sisters and me a week at the beach! We don't go until August, but I can hardly wait. I wish I could spend every summer at the seashore...
Some of my favorite recent beach memories:
Several years ago, Sister A and I took my niece to the beach for the first time. She loved it. Precious little one...
Last summer, my best girl friends and I went to Hilton Head for the weekend -- we had an elaborate set-up on the sand. In retrospect, we were far too far away from the water, haha, but it was still tons of fun. :)
thank you for reminding me of the poetic genius that is ee cummings:)